WrightZone Weighbridge Software Manual

Administrator User Security Maintenance

Protecting the confidentiality of your sensitive data is critical and providing users with enough function and access to perform their jobs well and without hindrance is practical; summarising the design of the WrightZone Weighbridge security components.  On setup of a new user all Access options are defaulted to False.
Administrator User Security Maintenance
Administrator User, Security Definitions:
Accounts: Invoice Lock Access
Accounts: Manually Export AR Invoice(s) Access
Cost & Price: Modify Products Destination Data
Cost & Price: Modify Products Location Data
Export: MS Excel® Access
Export: WZ XCEL
Export: XCEL and/or Excel Navigation Grids Access
Reports: Audits Windows Access
Reports: Consent Management Access
Reports: Period Summary Access
Scheduler: Access Only
Scheduler: All Events Privileges
Security: Modify Basic Users Security
System Options: Modify Movement Count Settings
System Options: Modify System (Tab) Options
System Options: Modify transaction Date/Time Stamps
System Options: Profit Centre Setup
System Options: Set Machine Live Export