WrightZone Weighbridge Software Manual

Master Recurrence Maintenance - Logistics Planning & Scheduling

The Master Recurrence Maintenance window is the final stage of your transport or logistics plan. The Master Recurrence window is a blueprint for transport managers of the logistics (field service) plan that can be edited or deleted at any point in time. Any two or more events can be edited in bulk in holding down the CTRL key and right clicking to open and select the Pre-Entry Pop out.  Within the scheduling area users can drag and drop each and any event to change the events' Start time and because its offered as a Timeline View, users can change the Time Scale, working hours and magnify or zoom in; zoom out offering a personally tailored experience for each user.   
Events reported within Master Recurrence window will match the recurrence quantity and group counts recorded within the Event Recurrence window, the same is true for periodicity, being the transport travel time between events. Once the master recurrence pattern has been set and saved the originating Event Recurrence window is set as read only reporting Scheduled and Locked by User name. Users can access the Master Recurrence window again via the Edit Job Master Pop out available from both, Scheduler and the Pre-Entry Planner grid for continued pre-entry transaction and corresponding event modification. Users will also have access to the Edit Job Run Series function offering the ability to modify all pre-entry recurring events' transactional data via the one Pre-Entry window.
Pre-Entry transaction and corresponding event related data modified or edited via Master Recurrence Maintenance is instantly pushed down to the pre-entry transaction and corresponding event. However, editing pre-entry and/or its corresponding event data via the Pre-Entry window accessed from the Pre-Entry Planner or grid,  Job Run (or Series) and event single occurrence (including drag and drop within Scheduler) do not push back or update the Master Recurrence Maintenance window. 
Master Recurrence Maintenance - Logistics Planning & Scheduling
The Master Recurrence Maintenance function is not bidirectional; edit or modification at the master level updates child pre-entry transactions and corresponding events. Modifications or user Edit including Delete made via any any other form (window, grid or Scheduler) being a child to the parent master recurrence plan are not updated to the Master Recurrence Maintenance logistics plan. The WrightZone Weighbridge Pre-Entry Scheduler design with its recurrence function is one of  parent and child relationship where the  child does not change the parent (or master) but any pre-entry transaction and/or corresponding child event can be modified and edited.
The design is one of purposefully retaining the master (and therefore, transport manager's) transport and logistics scheduling plan which can then be used as a communication tool allowing daily operators to modify and edit pre-entry transactions at child levels as daily conditions change, and/or more information about a customers forward order is made available.  Users will only view the hourly recurrence pattern meaning the one day and first day of the recurring pattern inside the Master Recurrence window. Where users have created a recurring pattern to recur over multiple days or even weeks its important to understand that pre-entry data and/or an event time stamps modified at this level updates it for all recurring days in addition. Where a user has set the hourly recurrence pattern quantity to being i.e. 12 (above) and in addition, has used the recurrence pattern; (to repeat the hourly pattern) every Monday through to Friday and the user updates the start time, for the first, top occurrence from 7:20am (above) to 8:20am results in the event time stamp, being changed for all days (Monday through to Friday it was scheduled) and not just the Monday; resulting in the first, top occurrence of any and all days, being scheduled to start at 8:20am.   

Recurrence Group

Each Recurrence Group is reflected horizontally within Master Recurrence Maintenance and typically represents the same Vehicle ID on run but as per the flexibility in system design doesn't have to.
1. Recurrence Group

Event Occurrence

A recurring pattern is made up of either a single event recurring over multiple days or multiple events recurring over one day and like combinations. Each occurrence reports a summary dialog about the pre-entry transaction (of Customer, Destination, Vehicle ID, Product, Hauler and Order) which can be edited using the Pre-Entry Pop out and optionally the CTRL key in combination. Users can also drag and drop each and any event to change the events' start time. 
2. Event Occurrence
  • Each event created is system defaulted to being a duration of 30 minutes which is not the periodicity minutes being the transport travel time between the point of origin and the point of consumption.
  • The event occurrence finish time doesn't specifically have a purpose under WZWB because pre-entry transaction scheduling is in its first instance, the plan for which a vehicle is expected to enter the profit centre. The default duration for an event is more about having enough width for each event to report the pre-entry transaction dialog and having an event big enough, to comfortably drag and drop it within scheduler to a different starting time interval.  
  • Unlike an appointment where you book from a start to an estimated finish time with pre-entry scheduling users are managing vehicles and the quantity or volume of them entering the profit centre between hourly blocks (set up via the Tools Menu, Setup Options, Movement Counts Tab). The scheduler toolset offers an ability to predict what will happen or be needed in the future based on setting known capacity constraints i.e. if the profit centre only has two loaders for the loading of vehicles allowing or scheduling anything more or equal to 80 (being 1 vehicle loaded per loader, every 1.5 minutes) within any hour would see a long wait time for vehicle drivers which is detrimental to customer retention and satisfaction and over the long term, effects the success and profitability of the business.
  • All completed events whether they are a single occurrence or recurring are reported in Pre-Entry Scheduler and background coloured in green with the content summary updated to the date and time stamp with which it was completed which occurs, when a scheduled and saved pre-entry transaction has been moved and saved onsite.
  • Completed events cannot be edited or deleted and work as a historic summary of pre-entry planned to pre-entry completed where on drill down Docket number for Profit Centre Completed By User on date and time is reported. 
  • Event occurrences that are scheduled to recur over multiple days are not reported as completed until last occurrence day of the recurrence pattern, in the Master Recurrence Maintenance window. E.g. A single event recurring over multiple days is only complete on the event being completed on its last occurrence date (set by the range of recurrence options). 
  • Deleted (child) event occurrences (via the Pre-Entry Planner or grid and/or via Scheduler) are not deleted from the (parent) Master Recurrence Maintenance plan and therefore is the primary reason for an incomplete Master Recurrence Maintenance plan. E.g. A single event recurring over 5 days saw day 1 and day 2 events' completed; day 3's event was deleted and day 4, as was day 5 (being the last occurrence date,) also completed; resulting in the Master Recurrence Maintenance plan as incomplete. (The Dispatch Grid reports all deleted pre-entry transactions.)  

Pre-Entry Pop out

The Pre-Entry Pop out with optionally the CTRL key in combination opens the one Pre-Entry window allowing the edit of one or multiple pre-entry transactions.
3. Pre-Entry Pop out
  • Where users have saved different values on event one versus event two, (i.e. different products on each) and then use the CTRL key to update both at once the Pre-Entry window will show only the one record and data set (being that of the first record selected) and on Save of the Pre-Entry window whether data is edited or not, both events' and corresponding transactions will be updated to matching data values.  


The Delete button will delete the entire recurrence pattern, close the Master Recurrence Maintenance window and return users to Scheduler retaining focus on the originating (now single) Pre-Entry event and corresponding transaction.
4. Delete
  • With save of a recurring event the Master Recurrence Maintenance window opens for the first time and this is the only time the Delete Master Recurrence button is made available to users. 
  • Where users have created and saved a Master Recurrence pattern in mistake or error, bulk delete is available but only via the Delete Series option within Scheduler. 
  • Close of the Master Recurrence Maintenance window (prior to save) will result in the same action of the Delete button.


Save completes the

event recurrence process, concluding the logistics plan; closing the Master Recurrence Maintenance window and returns users to Scheduler for the next forward order and accompanying, logistics plan creation.

5. Save
  • On Save the Event Recurrence window is reported as Scheduled and Locked by User with recurrence values no longer editable.
  • A saved Master Recurrence pattern in mistake or error is available to be deleted in bulk via the Delete Series option within Scheduler only.