WrightZone Weighbridge Software Manual

Main Daily Operations

This section provides a basic overview of your WrightZone Weighbridge (WZWB) application user customization tools (quick keys) and other common options with which to navigate around the system efficiently. The Today's Operations tab as the name describes offers users a view on the current Status of vehicle movements via the Pre-Entry, Onsite and Exit Grids at any point in time, by profit centre (or Site). 
Main Daily Operations

Tools & Help Menu

1. Tools & Help Menu
  • The WZWB Tools Menu is primarily used for application setup such as your Profit Centre, Scales, Printers and Basic User Default Option settings.
  • The Help Menu offers information about your WZWB licensing and of course access to this manual.  

Main Menu

The Main Menu consists of four main groups ENTRY, SETUP, ENQUIRY, REPORTS and ACCOUNTS. The Main Menu (far left panel) offers successful simplicity of daily operations under WZWB, with the ENTRY menu used to plan and schedule pre-entry transactions and/or enter vehicles onsite; :
2. Main Menu   
  • Bottom down arrow (pictured far right) offers users the functional ability to customize Main Menu buttons in showing more or fewer; removing or adding buttons.,
  • Down, Up, Left and Right Arrow keys with common Enter, Space and Tab key shortcuts are all functional allowing fast keyboard only; navigation.
  • Users can drag up or down the position of each button within each of the main menus to better suit their roles within the company where settings are automatically stored as per user set preferences.

Operations Pop outs

Pop outs are accessed via right click and exist within almost every grid of your WZWB application. Pop outs are a key feature delivering a range of easily accessed functions for all users. Pop out short-cut keys where available are standardized throughout the system.
3. Operations Pop outs
  • Only Today - Is a user option provided to users whom have set as True Show Past Pre-Entry transactions which then filters all Pre-Entry transactions showing the current days' only.
  • Edit Available to Pre-Entry and Onsite grids offering users the ability to edit pre-entry or onsite transaction data without processing the transaction (to the Onsite or Exit grids respectively). 
  • Delete - Available to Pre-Entry and Onsite grids offering users the ability to delete a pre-entry or onsite transaction which is reported in the Dispatch grid.
  • Holding down the CTRL or SHIFT key will allow users to delete pre-entry transactions in bulk.
  • Clear Filter: Available to Pre-Entry, Onsite and Exit grids, removing any filter set by users (below).
  • Copy - A pre-entry toolset allowing users to copy a pre-entry transaction and paste it.
  • Where a pre-entry transaction has been scheduled only the pre-entry transaction is copied and not the corresponding event.
  • Paste - Once a pre-entry transaction has been copied it can multiplied as many times as required using the paste (or CTRL +V) function.
  • XCEL, Excel, Expand All, Collapse All and Refresh are all inherited WZWB Pop out functions.

Pre-Entry Grid

Pre-Entry is your WZWB Bookings Management (and optionally Logistics Scheduling) system allowing users to book in advance Customer Orders. The Pre-Entry Grid is background colour coded in Orange, meaning Get Ready. All Pre-Entry transactions set with a 'Work Date' of  Today's date (being the current date) will be automatically loaded into this grid.
4. Pre-Entry Grid
  • F1 is the quick key to initiate a pre-entry transaction.
  • The Pre-Entry Grid is a Pivot Grid offering users an ability to group pre-entry transactions into hourly blocks (or a grouping of choice) for easier navigation of what vehicles are expected to enter the profit centre at any point in time.
  • The Pre-Entry Grid filter bar works like a Google Search on the Vehicle ID, Hauler and Customer columns. On users recording a value and pressing F3 the first pre-entry transaction matching the filter criteria will open the New Entry window ready for onsite processing. The cursor is defaulted into any data field not populated otherwise its Save to complete onsite entry where the transaction is now reported in the Onsite Grid.
  • Pre-Entry transactions reported within the grid are available to vehicle drivers from the POS Terminal based on the Vehicle ID and/or Hauler combination recorded.

Pre-Entry Grid Field List

    5. Pre-Entry Grid Field List
Vehicle Registration Code or unique identifier.
Transport Company and their recorded Code value.
Customer having placed the Order and their recorded Code value.
Customers Ordered Product and it's recorded Code value.
Is system defaulted to being 'Supply' Only (meaning the customer uses their own transport company and not the profit centres own or outsourced fleet). When Supply & Deliver is True (meaning the quarry is employed to transport product in addition) results in a Destination Description value e.g. Roberts Road.
True of False and relates to Consent Management defining whether this transaction is to be considered as a Vehicle Movement Count.
Reports a specific Location Code from which products are being transported from.
Identification of the User having recorded or updated the Pre-Entry transaction.
Hourly Block
Means Start Minutes Past Hour Entry set via the Movement Counts tab.

Onsite Grid

The Onsite Grid is background colour coded in Green meaning GO vehicle is Onsite. Transactions are updated to the Onsite Grid on Save of the New Entry window.  Vehicles entered into the Onsite Grid are automatically assigned a docket number for each transaction. Users can Edit transactions which are reported within the Audits window and Delete them reported within the Dispatch Grid.  
6. Onsite Grid
  • F2 is the quick key to initiate the New Entry window and process vehicles to being onsite.
  • POS transactions are reported within the grid as they processed.
Onsite Grid Field List
There are five additional fields available with the Onsite Grid from that of Pre-Entry.
Order Code
Application generated unique Order Code.
Vehicle Tare Weight.
Date Stamp of vehicle entering the Site.
Time Stamp of vehicle entering the Site.
Profit Centre Scale is a means to identify intercompany transactions which are also highlighted in blue to users during processing. The transaction is owned by the profit centre processing the transaction with the vehicle movement count belonging to the profit centre scale the transaction was completed with.

Exit Grid

The Exit Grid is background colour coded in red communicating vehicle has stopped and/or has exited the profit centre successfully. Vehicles are processed from the Onsite Grid with click or double click of a transaction opening the New Exit window. On Save the transaction is processed successfully, dockets are printed and the transaction is then reported inside the Exit Grid.
The Vehicle Counts Label (top right, below) existing on both Onsite and Exit Grids shows by default a snapshot of the total Vehicle Counts for onsite and exit (and therefore dockets produced by the profit centre) at the current point in time. On click this label its updated to 'Movement Counts' where profit centres adhering to resource consent regulations will typically see a lesser count because WZWB offers the flexibility to know and default the difference between Vehicle (or docket) and Movement Counts.
7. Exit Grid
  • The Exit Grid Fields List (above right) consists of the same fields (aforementioned) of Pre-Entry and Onsite.
  • Editing of Exit saved transactions is done via double click or single click or Enter as the keyboard short-cut opening the Edit Exit window with all user changes reported in the Audits window.
  • Once a transaction has been successfully processed through to the Exit Grid it cannot be deleted. 
  • POS transactions are reported within the grid as they processed.

Weighbridge Scale Footer

The Scale Footer has been designed to offer users a snapshot of Entry and Exit totals in addition to offering Live Weighbridge Scale readings.  The Entry, Exit Hourly and Daily Totals are as per the description offering vehicle docket or Movement Counts. The Availability tab offering the Real Daily Availability grid is seen on having set Allow Movement Counts as True for the profit centre. The weighbridge Tare Scale Reading reports Weighbridge Tare and Gross values as per your physical weighbridge terminal.
8. Weighbridge Scale Footer
BCD Scale 1 is the user-defined Scale Name and where multiple weighbridges are True for any profit centre, users can set related names i.e. BCD Entry Scale and BCD Exit Scale. Within the Multi-User environment users may need to switch scales based on their roles at any point in time (i.e. Management fills in for Operations staff during a lunch break and he/she might choose to complete operations from their notebook as opposed to the Local machine,) hence the Exchange dropdown combo box offers a choice of scale with which to use for related Entry and/or Exit transactions.  The Exchange button itself will simply reverse the scale roles i.e.  BCD Entry Scale typically capturing Tare weights becomes the Exit Scale capturing Gross weights and the Exit Scale is now updated and used for capturing Entry Tare weights; although it sounds impractical (with weighbridges not moved easily) consider a weighbridge failure where the site had two weighbridges and is forced to resort to one, based on this either the Entry or Exit Scale on user click now becomes both the Entry and Exit Scale. 
Scale Setup is recommended to be completed by your Committed Consulting Team because each scale and applicable weighing terminal can send variations of the RS signal to WZWB and based on this on occasion the WZ Communications Service (application) may need updating for successful signal read.
Below the Scale Footer is the WZWB Main Footer reporting application running related data such as Connected To Status; user logged in, Default Profit Centre and other primary settings.