WrightZone Weighbridge Software Manual

Main Transactions Grid

The Transactions Grid is where users will find all the necessary information on all successfully saved Exit transactions. Like all grids offers a Pop out, filtering, drag and drop that work together producing fully customizable reports on the fly. On user click transactions not Locked can be opened and edited with ease if applicable. 
Main Transactions Grid
Transactions Grid Field List                                                                                              
Index and sequence identifier.
Docket numbers are automatically produced with Onsite save (unlike other weighbridge applications) for audit and security purposes.
Means Profit Centre. Administrators view transactions globally on login meaning across multiple profit centres hence this field delivers filtering by one or multiple. Selection of the PC field is hidden for Basic Users because they need only view their relevant transactions being as per the current profit centre they are logged into.
Customer Code
Means a unique identifier for the customer record setup within the Customer window.
Customer Name
Means the Name or description of the customer setup within the Customer window.
Means the Vehicle Code (Registration or Identification), setup within the Vehicles window.
Means the Hauler Alpha field setup within the Hauler window.
Order Code
Means an application generated unique Order Code (and identifier).
Order Name
Means the customers Job or Order, (Purchase Order reference and/or Name/Description).
Order Type
Means one of two types being that of Supply Only or Cart & Supply (meaning Supply and Deliver). Cart & Supply refers to the profit centre employing sub contractors or their own fleet for transport which is to be charged to the customer.
Price book Code
Means and references the unique Price book Code linked to the order for any one transaction.
Product Code
Means Rock Type Products only and its unique Code setup within the Products window.
Product Name
Means Rock Type Products only and its Name or description setup within the Products window.
Locations are setup within Location/Destination Cost and Price window and are the first method of product cost and pricing under WZWB. The default Location Code will match your Profit Centre Code and products must be setup with either a Cost or Price by Location before the Product is available for user selection within the Pre-Entry, Entry Onsite and Exit windows. Where multiple locations exist for any one product the Location field is offered to users for selection.
Rock Price
Rock Type Product, price to the customer which can be setup at Location level and is superseded by Order, price book pricing.
Rock Cost
Rock Type Product Cost setup using the Location/Destination Cost and Price window at a Locations level only.
Rock FP
True or False Rock Type Product is set to being Fixed Price for this transaction.
Means the customers allocated Destination description where the profit centre has employed sub contractors or their own fleet with which to transport product to, for a Supply & Deliver transaction type. Destinations can also be that of Supply Only where suppliers (employed by the profit to transport product) are also customers (ordering and transporting product from the profit centre for themselves and their customers). 
Destination Full Path
Means a path or short code describing the from Location and to Destination values for a Supply & Deliver transaction type.
Means a Supply Only transaction type. Is a Text Type field and is used for the benefit of Customers allowing them to reference anything (in addition to the Order Name and/or Number) of relevance for either themselves or their customers for benefits of increased clarity as to the purpose, uniqueness and/or destination of any one transaction.
Cart Code
Means the transport, Cart Product Type Code used to describe the Vehicle Configuration for Supply Only transactions and for Supply and Deliver transactions labeled Calculation is used to calculate the transport or cartage price and cost for any one Customer Destination.
Cart Price
Means the transport (or cartage) price to the profit centres customer.
Cart Cost
Means the transport (cartage) sub contractor cost to the profit centre for this transport supplier.
Cart FP
Means True or False the Cart Type (transport) product is set to being Fixed Price.
Cart FP Code
Means when Fixed Price is True the Cart Type Product Code that was used to calculate the Fixed price (and cost) values for both customer and transport sub contractor.
VC Consent
Means the Vehicle Configuration field with Pre-Entry, Entry and Exit windows and setup within the Products window.
No Onsite Count
Means True or False and when True opens the Desc NoOnsite field (below). Is the Onsite Count field within Pre-Entry, Entry and Exit windows used to differentiate between Vehicle Counts and Movement Counts for Consent Management Reporting.
Desc NoOnsite
Means No Onsite Description describing the reason why the Vehicle Configuration should not be considered and therefore added to Movement Counts.
Means the recording and reporting the Vehicle Tare Weight value in kilograms.
Means the recording and reporting of the total Gross Weight of the vehicle and the Product its transporting.
Means the recording and reporting of Gross Weight less the Tare Weight equating to a Net Weight being the Product Weight only.
C&S Price
Means Cart & Supply (Supply and Deliver) Price. WZWB will calculate and add the Rock Type and Cart Type Product unit or measure (typically per tonne) prices together (including Fixed Price combinations) into a single (C&S) unit price providing the profit centre with opportunity to maintain each Product Type unit price as confidential.
Means the Supply Only or Supply and Deliver Price reported as the C&S Price (above) multiplied by the Net Weight in Tonnes producing a Net total for the transaction.
Means a compulsory contribution to state revenue (within New Zealand and Australia your Goods & Services Tax (GST)) component receivable on every transaction; setup as a percentage with Administrator privileges only under Tools, Options.
Means the Gross Total (Subtotal plus Tax total (above)) being the total amount payable by the Customer including taxes.
Net Cost
Means the transport Cart Type product only cost total to the profit centre for every Supply and Deliver transaction type.
Tax Cost
Means a (sub contractor transport (cartage)) compulsory contribution to state revenue, (within New Zealand and Australia your Goods & Services Tax (GST) component) payable on every transaction; setup as a percentage with Administrator privileges only under Tools, Options.
Gross Cost
Means the Gross Total (Net Cost plus Tax Cost (above)) being the total amount payable by the profit centre including taxes to sub contractors; transport companies. Is a Cart Product Type only under WZWB and is totaled on every Supply and Deliver transaction type only.
Date In
Means the recorded date stamp of transaction vehicle Entry.
Time In
Means the recorded time stamp of transaction vehicle Entry.
Date Out
Means the recorded date stamp of transaction vehicle Exit.
Time Out
Means the recorded time stamp of transaction vehicle Exit.
Last Tare
Means and reports the last updated Tare Weight for the current transaction on New Entry.
Last Tare Date
Means and reports the last updated Tare Weight Date stamp for the current transaction New Entry.
Last Tare Time
Means and reports the last updated Tare Weight Time stamp for the current transaction New Entry.
Means the User logged in and having last saved or modified the transaction. 
Invoice Code
Means the Customer Invoice Header and Code this transaction forms a part of.
ERP Export
True of False reports and confirms the transaction has been exported into your external ERP or accounting system.